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No Worshipping and no rituals.
There are philosophical buildings, and “Places of Philosophy”, but there are no doctrines to say how often people should visit such buildings or places, or what they should do in those buildings or places.
There exists no initiation rites and ceremony, nor does there exist any requirements of induction.
There is a central text; The Grand Centrality within which The Omnidoxy rests as the core Millettarian philosophical documentation.
No mandatory belief or belief practice, and all beliefs and belief practice are interpretational.
Minimal mention of the supernatural, especially not the worship of the supernatural.
No sacred objects, places, or times.
No spiritual difference between philosophical buildings and other buildings or places; the only difference being the designation of philosophical buildings as their usage for philosophical debate and ideation.
There are principles to The Philosophy of Millettism, but they don’t have supernatural or unproven origins, and there are no enforcements of these principles on any adherents.
Rather than an individual or a council of people as the leader(s) of the philosophy, The Institution of the Philosophy of Millettism, as philosophical organisation, is the manager, authority, jurisdiction, and leader.
No religious feelings such as guilt or sin, but philosophical feelings including Wonderment, Adoration, Laudation, Ponderment, Inspiration, Imagination, and Knowledge.
No prayer or communication with a supernatural being or God.
There is a particular worldview, or futureview, in The Philosophy of Millettism known as the Millettarian Worldview.
The Philosophy of Millettism, and philosophy in general, is not dependent on the concept of faith for explanations of ideas.
A distinct focus on the present and future events rather than a centrality on the events of a past time.
No proclamations that any event or story in The Philosophy of Millettism, or in Mystology, ever actually happened.
There are central figures as humanly manifestations of The Philosophy of Millettism, yet those figures are neither real, nor supernatural, and are purely fictional and metaphorical.
Little focus on a supernatural existence or life after death, but more focus on The Cosmos, Human Civilisation, The Exploration of Space, and the concepts of metaphysics, existence, knowledge, and The Origins of The Universe.
The Institution of The Philosophy of Millettism does not seek, nor would accept, any form of tax exemption, for it expounds that philosophy should add and give back to the society in which it exists.
In religion, one must believe in the entirety of one’s religion for one to be a part of it. In philosophy, specifically The Philosophy of Millettism, one may just believe in a part of the philosophy, for there is no requirement to believe in the entirety.
In religion, one cannot be part of two religions in parallel. In philosophy, one can be part of multiple philosophies in parallel, and so one may follow The Philosophy of Millettism and also follow another philosophy or religious tradition simultaneously.
The Philosophy of Millettism focuses on what is existential, rather than superstition or supernaturalism. Philosophy is not focused on giving a definite answer unlike its religious counterparts, but instead, focuses on the seeking of the answers and acknowledging that one can never truly know enough; philosophy is the exploration for answers.
Faith is championed as good, but faith isn’t required to believe in, or to become an adherent of, the words of The Omnidoxy or The Philosophy of Millettism respectively.
Other subjects and practices are at the centre of The Philosophy of Millettism, including Astronomy, Cosmology, Technology, the Sciences, the Humanities, and Futurology.
Millettism only concerns itself with the possibilities in the cosmic realms and there are no consequences of any particular action in Millettism, for philosophy is founded on knowledge, however, the universal and divinical realms of existence are also allured to in the Millettarian Cosmology.